Victory Lutheran College regularly advertises for staff to join our community in both teaching and support roles. All positions vacant at the College are advertised on our website.
Casual Relief Teachers
Casual Relief Teachers are welcome to make contact with the College anytime during the course of the year. A brief resume, copy of VIT registration and preferred hours/days/year levels/subjects can be submitted to Ms Claire Fontana, Leader of People & Culture.
Applications for CRT can be delivered to the Administration Office or emailed.
Express your interest to work at Victory
Teach the leaders of tomorrow.
Be notified when employment opportunities become available in your area of expertise.
For all employment enquiries, please contact our Leader of People & Culture,
Ms Claire Fontana on 02 6057 5859 or employment@vlc.vic.edu.au
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Victory Lutheran College is committed to being a Child Safe organisation. Victory Lutheran College has a zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to acting in the children's best interests and in keeping them safe from harm. Victory Lutheran College regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance and as such, is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture.
Applicants must familiarise themselves and abide by the College's commitment to child safety. Important information regarding child safety policies and procedures can be found on the Policies and Publications page.
Your details are handled in accordance with current privacy legislation. For further details please refer to our Privacy Policy below.
Privacy Policy
In applying for positions at Victory Lutheran College, you will be providing the College with personal information. If you provide us with personal information, for example, your name and address or information contained in your resume, we will collect the information in order to assess your application. You agree that we may store this information for twelve months. You may seek access to your personal information that we hold about you if you are unsuccessful for the position. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others. We will not disclose this information to a third party without your consent. We require you to provide us with a police check. If you provide us with the personal information of others, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the College and why, that they can access that information if they wish, that the College does not usually disclose the information to third parties and that we may store their information for twelve months.